Flag Tate Tokimashita. フラグ立てときました

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Flag Tate Tokimashita. フラグ立てときました

Post by anima »

Flag Tate Tokimashita. フラグ立てときました


Title - フラグ立てときました - Flag Tate Tokimashita.
Play time - Unknown
Developer - EBA GAME
Publishers - EBA GAME

The main character, who calls himself a gal game fanatic, uses the knowledge he gained from gal games in the real world. Take advantage of it ~ I dreamed of a popular harem high school life as a love master!

"You're an idiot."

The words of a childhood friend pierce the protagonist...
Reality doesn't work like a game.

“I guess I need to flag that first.”

You make up your mind and express your feelings to the person you love.

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